
Adapting to Instagram Algorithm Changes: Focus on Original Content

Written by Tyler Mielke | May 29, 2024 8:11:37 PM

Explore the recent algorithm changes on Instagram and how it affects content visibility, emphasizing the importance of originality in boosting engagement and reach.

Understanding the Instagram Algorithm Changes

Instagram has recently made changes to its algorithm, which affects how content is displayed on the platform. The new algorithm now prioritizes original content over reposted content, including memes and reactions to original content. While your followers will still see the posts you put out there, it becomes harder for outsiders to come across your content unless it is fully original.

This change in the algorithm has significant implications for content visibility on Instagram. It means that if you want your posts to be seen by a wider audience, you need to focus on creating and sharing original content.

Impact of Original Content on Engagement

The algorithm change on Instagram emphasizes the importance of originality in boosting engagement. When you share original content, it stands out from the crowd and captures the attention of your audience. This can lead to higher engagement rates, such as likes, comments, and shares.

Original content also has the potential to attract new followers and expand your reach on the platform. When your content is unique and valuable, it is more likely to be shared by your existing followers, reaching a wider audience and potentially gaining new followers in the process.

This however doesn't take away from posting graphics or content that informs your current followers about what is happening at the church, this change will mostly affect what is seen by those outside your congregation. 

Strategies for Creating Original Content

To adapt to the algorithm changes and maximize your content's visibility on Instagram, here are some strategies for creating original content:

- Share behind-the-scenes content: Give your audience a glimpse into your process of getting ready for a service. This type of content is unique to you and can be highly engaging.

- Create Sermon Reels: You already have a video live stream each week so why not utilize that for original content! Need help? We can clip and post your sermon reels for you, click learn more below to try it out.

- Record A Short Welcome Video: Let your personality shine through your content by creating a quick welcome video that invites people to your service and lets them know what to expect for this upcoming weekend. The more informal and real feeling the better.

- Show Your Community Involvement: There's a way to engage followers about community involvement without looking like you're just trying to promote yourself. Be real and ask for those to join in.

- Stay on top of trends: Keep an eye on the latest trends and incorporate them into your content. This shows that you are up-to-date and relevant, increasing the chances of your content being discovered by new users. Remember the ice bucket challenge from forever ago? Stuff like that!